Tricks to quit smoking in 2022 without having a hard time

Tricks to quit smoking in 2022 without having a hard time

If you have decided to quit smoking this year, you have already taken the most important step. To achieve it successfully without suffering, you can follow the following tips. This way it will cost you less, but you have to be clear that it is not so easy to get rid of nicotine. They will be of great help both to prevent you from relapsing or giving up in a moment of weakness and to control the withdrawal syndrome . In just 3 weeks you will have achieved the most difficult, getting rid of the most intense desire.  Limit the temptation and carry out these tricks to eliminate this harmful habit from your life by gaining health.

Get Rid Of Both Tobacco And Lighters [Tricks to quit smoking in 2022 without having a hard time]

You don’t need to test your willpower, so avoid temptation by ditching both packs and lighters. To be able to quit smoking without having a bad time, you should not have tobacco in front of you. It is important that you do not leave the lighters in sight either as they will remind you of the use you gave them, but you do not have to get rid of all of them, you can keep some in a kitchen drawer in case you have to light the candles on a cake.

Calculate The Savings Per Month And Spend It On A Whim

It is a good way to reward yourself for the effort to quit smoking. That you don’t have a bad time at all doesn’t mean it’s easy, but this way when you feel like a cigarette you will focus your attention on the whim. Some options are going to a musical, a good laugh-out-loud monologue, a relaxing spa, or a country getaway .

Give Yourself Homework After Every Meal

You’ll likely be in the habit of smoking a cigarette after you finish eating, so it’s important to fill that time with activity. If you’re at home, get up, clear the table and put the dishwasher on . If you still feel like watching a series or a movie afterwards to try to forget them. When you are invited to another house, try to help and get together with those who do not smoke to avoid making the moment more difficult. In a restaurant it will be easier for you , especially in winter, since not being allowed you will not have to go out . The most important thing to quit smoking is that you want to do it since the rest of the things you will achieve more and more easily by following these tricks.

Before You Fall Into Temptation, Take A Walk

If you are nervous, you probably want to resort to smoking to calm down, but instead of giving in to temptation, you can take a walk outdoors. Think about the effort you have made and count the days that have passed since you decided to quit smoking . The important thing is that it helps you not to fall into temptation, so it is recommended that you walk until you feel calm.

Change Habits

To avoid associating the cigarette with certain moments of the routine that you followed before quitting, make small changes. One of the healthiest habits you can acquire to avoid having a bad time is to increase the number of times you eat food, reducing the amounts of the main meals . Take the opportunity to do new activities, change the coffee for an infusion and stop consuming spirits for a while. Do what helps you the most and works best for you to completely get rid of this harmful habit without having a hard time.

Do You Play Any Sport

Physical exercise releases endorphins and serotonin in the body, giving you a feeling of well-being.  You have many to choose from, so it is recommended that you choose the one that motivates you the most so as not to give up on the days when you feel more tired. You will keep your mind busy and your body fit. In this way you will avoid gaining excess weight if you cannot control the excessive intake of food.

Enjoy The Closed Sites

It is likely that while you were watching a movie at the cinema or visiting a museum, you had a tremendous desire for a cigarette. This prevented you from fully enjoying the activity by having only the need to smoke in your head. The shows or the exhibitions will allow you both to be distracted and to be entertained . This is one of the advantages, which have nothing to do with health but with life, that you will achieve by quitting smoking.

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