The reason why you should never have orange juice for breakfast

The reason why you should never have orange juice for breakfast

The reason why you should never have orange juice for breakfast

You probably think that including orange juice in your breakfast is one of the healthiest ways to start the day, but nutritionists advise against it in a balanced diet. Discover the main reason why this natural drink can be harmful to your health.

It Is Not Recommended Due To The Nutrients It Provides To The Body

The nutritionist and pharmacist explains that “when we squeeze an orange, the fiber remains almost completely in the remains of the pulp while the fructose content, the natural sugar of the fruit, remains intact”.  The loss of beneficial nutrients and the maintenance of the most harmful for the body become the main reason why you should not have this drink for breakfast.

Orange Juice Lacks Fiber

If you have orange juice for breakfast, you will provide an excessive amount of sugar to the body, giving up beneficial nutrients that oranges contain without squeezing them, such as vitamins and fiber. In addition, if the fructose is ingested without the fiber “it will have an immediate impact on our blood glucose” increasing blood sugar levels much higher than if the orange were eaten whole.

The Amount Of Fructose Is Multiplied

This supposes an impact as high as it is harmful on the organism that will shoot up your blood sugar levels . You would need to do intense and prolonged physical exercise to reduce this effect, however if you work in an office you will spend the morning sitting. For this reason, various health problems could arise . The best thing to do, in order not to lose the vitamins in the fruit and avoid eating large amounts of fructose, is to replace the juice with a piece of assorted fruit every day. In this way, the nutritional contribution will be as healthy as it is beneficial for the body.

Health Problems Derived From The Consumption Of orange juice for breakfast

The increase in people suffering from obesity may be motivated by the daily consumption of orange juice. The fructose content that it provides to the body is not encapsulated in the fiber, so it is quickly absorbed and accumulates as fat. This can cause an average of seven kilos to gain weight a year. By ingesting a large amount of fructose in the stomach, the body is at risk of suffering from fatty liver . In Frequent consumption of orange juice could also increase the risk of cancer , since sugary drinks have harmful effects on the body.

Most Recommended Fruits For Breakfast

To start the day with energy and provide your body with the nutrients it needs, it is important that you include some fruit at breakfast.  Which? Red  fruits, such as blueberries, blackberries or raspberries , which, in addition, thanks to their high content of antioxidants, will greatly benefit us in the profile of cognitive focus, improving our intellectual performance. You should also bear in mind that a balanced diet includes variety, so although the fruits of the forest are the most recommended, you can opt for breakfasts that are as different as they are nutritious.

You probably think that including orange juice in your breakfast is one of the healthiest ways to start the day, but nutritionists advise against it in a balanced diet. Discover the main reason why this natural drink can be harmful to your health.

Preferably Take The Fruit Before Or After Doing Sports

The practice of physical exercise causes an energy expenditure in the body that can be replenished with the intake of fruit. It is the perfect time to consume these foods full of fructose since they will provide you with all the necessary nutrients. In addition , “the impact on blood glucose will be much more controlled” since the dose of energy provided by the sugar in the fruit will replenish what has already been burned or add what will be spent during sports activity.

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