All about the profession of web developer USA 2023

All about the profession of web developer

Whether it is for redesigning or creating websites , more and more companies are using the services of an IT developer. The latter supports companies in order to boost their presence on the Internet. Currently, it is highly sought after in the market, and therefore, it is difficult to find it. He practices his profession within a Web agency, freelance or in business.

All about the profession of a web developer:

What is web developer?[All about the profession of web developer]

A web developer is a person who creates and designs websites using coding languages such as HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT. It involves advanced programming and complex coding to make fully functional websites. A web developer has different tasks to do such as programming, configuring the servers and databases.

There are three types of web developers, front-end developers, backend developers and full stack developers.

Front-end developers:

They code the website which the users will see by using the HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT languages. Front end development is also known as the client side development. These developers also use content management system (CMS) like wordpress.

Backend developers:

Back end developers code the website where the users don’t see, configure server, databases and use advance programming languages such as PHP, Ruby, Java and SQL.

Full stack developers:

They work on both side front end and back end. Full stack developers have complete understanding about both sides HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and advanced programming, databases, server and APIs.

How much does a web developer earn?

It depends on the many factors, such as region, profile, training, knowledge, and experience of the employee. It ranges from $ 26,000 – $ 45,000 gross per year and $ 2,500 per month.

What does the job of a web developer consist of?

It is also known by other names: computer programmer, computer developer or computer scientist. Above all, this Web professional supports any company in its digital transition . He is, in fact, able to master the latest programming languages and program scripts . He also improves and designs computer software . Its objective is to develop web interfaces adapted to the image of the brand. It can be web applications, websites, online tools, etc. To carry out his missions, he performs his tasks step by step.

First, he analyzes his client’s project and its objective. They will discuss together to develop a clear idea of ​​what is doable. Of course, he takes customer suggestions into account. Its objective is to meet the expectations of the future website of the company with which it works. He does not hesitate to offer e-commerce solutions adapted to the entity’s request, for example. It also does not fail to detail the various technical aspects that will be implemented through a quote. Regarding the design of the client’s website, he must respect the specifications.

Why hire an independent service provider?

Today, companies prefer to hire a freelance web developer . First of all, he is used to working with fewer resources. It offers better service than web agencies, for example. He works, in fact, for his own account. This allows it to offer a personalized service and to charge less than an entire structure. Contacting this professional is the assurance of making considerable savings. It is also an opportunity to access a much larger market. The client company will thus see its expenses reduced. He can now compete with the many freelance platforms such as fiverr, upwork and other freelance platforms. An independent service provider also creates sites much faster than large companies.

In addition, the creation process turns out to be more rational, given that it is a one-person entity. This specialist works very flexible hours. For example, it is possible to ask him to add a new home page to the site at any time. The company also escapes hiring employees and lengthy meetings during normal business hours. If ever the relationship between the two parties is not good for whatever reason, just cut the ties and hire another Freelancer. Since the freelance developer works from home, the expenses are limited as there is no need to cover overhead costs.

How to manage client’s expectations?

To manage client’s expectations is one of the biggest challenges because the web developer had to make a website which makes sale for the clients. As it is a highly competitive industry you need to put some hard work to meet client’s expectations.

First a developer should know all about the mission of a company organization. Once he know about it, then he must start designing the layout. He should take the content and images from the clients and design it according to the needs of a client’s website. One of the important points to meet client’s expectations is having good communication skills, because the work starts first by communicating itself. There must be a proper understanding between the client and developer. While communicating with the client only he can get the idea about the mission of client’s organization.

What are the skills of a web developer?

A web developer must have the knowledge in different programming languages. He should have a desire to learn, the web developer job is not easy because it includes advanced programming and is very challenging. He should have a creative and problem solving mindset as the code in website making is long. A developer should understand best seo practices to use in code and have to make responsive designs. He should be master in all various tools to be used for website.


Here is the article that tells all about the profession of a web developer. Hope you liked this article. If you want to become a web developer and have a constant desire to learn then just go for it.

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